Science AtelierCartesian Diver
Cartesian Diver

The fishes will go up and down in the bottle when you squeeze and release the PET bottle. The mechanism of this experimental tool is related to a famous scientific principle. Let’s make this interesting tool!

About Live stream

In our live stream, we will explain how to make experimental tools in real time. We will also provide explanations of how this craft works, as well as answers to any question you ask. It would be easier to follow through the live stream with the materials needed at hand. (Japanese-speaking only)

Things which you need

  • A PET bottle with cap (a round one is preferred)
  • 2 or 3 small sauce bottles or eye droppers
  • Metallic nuts which fit over the sauce bottles
  • You can get sauce bottles and nuts at a hundred-yen shop!

  • A cup to prepare water in it
  • Water (Tap water is fine.)
  • Additional Materials : Things you can use for decoration, such as marker pens and marbles

How to make

For more detailed instructions, please watch the video above.

※To make this craft, you have to use water. Please make sure to use this in places where you wouldn’t mind spilling water.

  1. Remove the lid from the sauce bottles, and replace them with metallic nuts.
  2. Pour water into a cup, and float bottles.
  3. Suck water into the bottles so that it only has the tip of it showing above the water surface when floating.
  4. Fill the PET bottle with water.
  5. Put the sauce bottles into the PET bottle, with the metallic nut facing down.
  6. Making sure to leave no air inside it, close the PET bottle.
  7. Also, have fun by decorating this with colored pens and marbles!

How to play

Squeeze the PET bottle and then release it. The sauce bottles will go up and down in the bottle!


古代こだいギリシャの科学者として名をのこしているアルキメデス。かれは、王様おうさまから、職人しょくにんつくった王冠 おうかん純金じゅんきんつくられたものか、王冠 おうかんこわさずにたしかめよ、という命令めいれいけます。その王冠 おうかんにはきんをいくらからしてわりに ぎんぜてあるという告発こくはつがあったからです。

職人しょくにんわたしたぶん同量どうりょう金塊きんかいくらべてみても、王冠 おうかんおもさはおなじでした。その当時とうじ... つづきを読む














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